Volume : VI, Issue : II, February - 2016

Identification of risk factors associated with coronary artery disease in Haryana: Is there a need to screen genetic risk factors in young patients?

Deepak Kumar, Dr. Kuldip Singh Laller, Dr. Dharmpal Singh, Dr. Susheela Taxak

Abstract :

Background: Coronary artery disease (CAD) accounts for high morbidity and mortality worldwide. The incidence of CAD is in epidemic proportion in India and state Haryana due to lack of awareness about the associated risk factors of the disease. Study was designed to assess the age and gender specific associated risk factors in CAD patients from Haryana and to evaluate the risk factors in young patients. Materials and Methods: Out of 406 CAD (postmyocardial infarction–110, ischemic heart disease –296) patients, 303 were male and 103 were female with mean age of 50.62±12.73 years. They were recruited on the basis of ECG, clinical examinations and investigations. Results: Smoking was most prominent risk factor in males followed by dyslipidemia, hypertension, diabetes and obesity while dyslipidemia was most frequent in females followed by hypertension, obesity and diabetes. Significant age associated differences was observed in incidence of hypertension, diabetes, family history, either of or no modifiable risk factor and no known risk factor in males (p<0.05) while family history, either of or no modifiable risk factor and no known risk factor in females (p<0.05). High incidence of positive family history and no known risk factor was found in young patients. Conclusion: Reducing exposure to smoking and collective management of dyslipidemia, hypertension and diabetes may significantly reduce the burden and risk of CAD. Risk factors in young patients were nearly same as of other participants but the high incidence of positive family history and no known risk factors in young patients suggest the genetic screening to uncover risk factor.

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Deepak Kumar, Dr. Kuldip Singh Laller, Dr. Dharmpal Singh, Dr. Susheela Taxak Identification of Risk Factors Associated with Coronary Artery Disease in Haryana: is There a Need to Screen Genetic Risk Factors in Young Patients? Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.6, Issue : 2 February 2016

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