Volume : III, Issue : VIII, August - 2013

Identification of Plant Species for Biomonitiring of Air Pollution at Visakhapatnam City

Dr. Gv Krishna Mohan

Abstract :

Urban vegetation can reduce Environmental pollution to some extent; it may be affected adversely if the pollution levels are beyond the tolerance limits necessitating monitoring both the levels of air pollution and the response of vegetation. In spite of well–developed physico–chemical monitoring programmes, Biomonitoring of air pollution is gaining popularity because of its inherent strengths. The present paper deals with the identification of sensitive species that can help biomonitoring of air pollution at Visakhapatnam, a fast developing industrial city of Andhra Pradesh.  

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Dr.GV Krishna Mohan Identification of Plant Species for Biomonitiring of Air Pollution at Visakhapatnam City Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.III, Issue.VIII August 2013

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