Volume : IV, Issue : VIII, August - 2014

Identification of Crisis Situations Factors From the Perspective of Crisis Actors of the Large Urban Units in Slovakia

Juraj Tej, Peter Zivcak, Viktoria Ali Taha, Michaela Sirkova, Monika Tomcikova

Abstract :

The main aim of this study is to analyse the risk management process in the context of (river) catchment basin management and management processes in flood crisis in local government and the specification of the key areas of crisis management from the perspective of crisis/emergency actors – residents of flood areas. Given the large number of studied elements of crisis management was used factor analysis, which aims to characterize the studied reality through a reduced number of factors. Using critical analysis were extracted factors – key elements of crisis management – representing areas of interest of the population during crisis situations caused by water, to which crisis management and crisis communicationshould focus.

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Article: Download PDF   DOI : 10.36106/ijar  

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Juraj Tej, Peter Zivcak, Viktoria Ali Taha, Michaela Sirkova, Monika Tomcikova Identification of Crisis Situations Factors From the Perspective of Crisis Actors of the Large Urban Units in Slovakia Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.4, Issue.8 August 2014

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