Volume : VI, Issue : VII, July - 2016

Identification and Prioritisation of supplier, customer and Organization collaborating factors influencing New Product Development

K. G. Rajasekaran, G. B. Bhaskar, S. Murali, M. Chandrasekaran

Abstract :

 In today’s global competitive market, firms are needed to involve supply chain partner and customer to attain the success of a New Product Development (NPD) especially in an Automobile industry. Suppliers and customers may provide a valuable contribution to NPD as they provide access to external knowledge that complements the firm’s internal knowledge base. The purpose of this study is to identify and prioritise the suppliercollaboration, customer collaboration and organisational factors which influence the new product development pertaining to automobiles industries. In this study, prioritization mechanism is accomplished by one of the familiar multi criteria decision making methods, Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP). Based on the results, the supplier, customer and organisation collaborative factors of NPD, such as internal R&D facilities, Organization resources, R&D capability of supplier, Organisational culture of innovation, Technologicalexpertisation of supplier, leadership commitment and customer expertisation have the highest priorities, respectively

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K.G. Rajasekaran, G.B. Bhaskar, S. Murali, M. Chandrasekaran Identification and Prioritisation of supplier, customer and Organization collaborating factors influencing New Product Development Indian Journal of Applied Research,Volume : 6 | Issue : 7 | July 2016

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