Volume : III, Issue : III, March - 2013

ICT Education for Rural Women and Girls: A case of Computer Education

J. Yellaiah, Sushila. A

Abstract :

The empowerment of women has been recognized as a vital element in national development efforts. This is equally true in building the information society in our country where wide technical and economic disparities exist between men and women. Information and communication technologies (ICT) have played a major role in the development of societies. The rapid eakthrough in new information and communication technologies (ICTs) is changing the way knowledge is developed, acquired and delivered. The new technologies offer opportunities to innovate on course content and teaching methods and to widen access to higher learning. This paper explained that computer education how playing critical role in empowering of the rural women. For this purpose I have collected primary data on socio economic characteristics of the rural women and creating employment through computer education in Mahabubnagar district of Andhra Pradesh. The findings of the study, 30 percent of the respondents got the employment in various schools to teach the basic computer skills, 26 percent of the respondents are creating employment themselves, 16 percent of the respondents are doing the service sector jobs like data entry operators and 12 percent of the respondents are doing business. Reaming 16 percent of the respondents are utilizing their knowledge to higher education.  

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J. Yellaiah,Sushila. A ICT Education for Rural Women and Girls: A case of Computer Education Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.III, Issue.III March 2013

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