Volume : IV, Issue : XII, December - 2014
Hypoglycaemic effect of Madhumeha kashaya Ghana in Streptozotocin induced Diabetic Wistar rats.
Dr. Basavarajeshwari, Dr. R. R. Hiremath, Dr. Supriya. Bhalerao
Abstract :
In the present era whole world is under the threat of deadly disease called Diabetes Mellitus. Though there are various approaches to reduce the ill effects of diabetes and its secondary complications, herbal drugs or formulations are preferred globally because they have contributed immensely to the development of treatment strategies for this disease. Here an attempt was made to overcome this issue by prepå a formulation by using potent single herbs which are also scientifically proved with hypoglycaemic action. The herbal drugs selected for Ghana were Gymnema sylvestre R.Br, Pterocarpus marsupium Roxb, Syzygium cuminii Linn, Curcuma longa Linn, Berberis aristata DC, Terminalia belirica, Terminalia chebula Retz ,Emblica officinalis, Tinospora cordifolia Willd , Cinnamomum tamala. Coarse powder (40–60 mesh) of all ingredients were used for kashaya preparation (one part drug added with eight parts of water boiled and reduced to 1/4th portion). Prepared Kashaya was filtered and reboiled till it turns into solid consistency. Vogel diabetic model was followed for hypoglycemic effect. Diabetes was induced by streptozotocin (48 mg/Kg body weight of rats) in 0.1M citrate buffer (blood sugar level > 250mg/dl taken for study). On 4th day of streptozotocin injection, administration of Madhumeha kashaya Ghana was started and continued for 28 days. Ghana group animals had shown significant (p<0.05) reduction of Fasting Blood Sugar compared to diabetic group animals. Madhumeha Kashaya Ghana was found effective in reducing Fasting Blood Sugar in streptozotocin induced experimental animals.
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DOI : 10.36106/ijar
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Dr.Basavarajeshwari, Dr.R.R.Hiremath, Dr.Supriya.Bhalerao Hypoglycaemic effect of Madhumeha kashaya Ghana in Streptozotocin induced Diabetic Wistar rats. Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.4, Issue : 12 December 2014
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Dr.Basavarajeshwari, Dr.R.R.Hiremath, Dr.Supriya.Bhalerao Hypoglycaemic effect of Madhumeha kashaya Ghana in Streptozotocin induced Diabetic Wistar rats. Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.4, Issue : 12 December 2014
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