Volume : VIII, Issue : IV, April - 2018

Hypertension - Prevalence and risk factors in Central India: An adult rural experience.

Dr. Niniya Jayaprasad, Dr. Ketan Ratanlal Dagdiya

Abstract :

Introduction:Hypertension is a major public health challenge to population in socioeconomic and epidemiological transition, for eg the rural population of India. Therefore this study was conducted to study the prevalence of hypertension and associated risk factors amongst adult rural population in central India.

Methodology:This community based cross–sectional study was conducted amongst the adult residents (≥30 years) of selected villages under PHC Raipur which is the rural field practice area of IGGMC Nagpur, located in central India. Sample size was estimated to be 219.A total of 222 subjects were selected by systematic random sampling method. Predesigned questionnaire was used to assess socio–demographic characteristics and elicit history regarding various risk factors, followed by anthropometric measurements. Blood pressure was recorded and classified according to JNC VIII.

Results:The prevalence of hypertension in the rural area under study in central India is 19.82% (95% CI 19.77–19.87).   Age >45 years and modifiable risk factors like habit of smoking, alcohol consumption, increase salt intake, physical inactivity and overweight/obesity are significantly associated with hypertension.

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Dr.Niniya Jayaprasad, Dr.Ketan Ratanlal Dagdiya, Hypertension‾Prevalence and risk factors in Central India: An adult rural experience., INDIAN JOURNAL OF APPLIED RESEARCH : Volume-8 | Issue-4 | April-2018

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