Volume : VII, Issue : XI, November - 2017

Hypernatremic dehydration in term neonates in neonatal period

Sudhakar Chiluka, Srinivas Madoori, Anirudh Reddy, Ranjith Kumar

Abstract :

 Background: Hypernatremic dehydration in neonates is a potentially devastating condition which adversely affects central nervous system and may have neurodevelopmental sequale. Recent reports have identified inadequate east feeding as a key factor in its pathophysiology.

 Material & Methods:The study was conducted on Term previously healthy neonates less than 28 days of age who were admitted to  NICU of CAIMS, Karimnagar, to identify and classify possible causes and clinical presentation of hypernatremic dehydration.  

RESULTS: Seventeen cases of hypernatremic dehydration were identified. Infant weight loss ranged from 6.5% to 34% of birth weight, and serum sodium levels ranged from 146 mmol/L to 211 mmol/L. In each case, maternal or infant factors, (e.g., poor east–feeding technique, lactation failure following postpartum complications  and infant suckling disorders associated with cleft palate) ,climate conditions resulting in hypernatremic dehydration are identified.      

CONCLUSION:   Hypernatremic dehydration is relatively common among exclusively east fed neonates. Regular weight monitoring ,adequate east feeding and providing thermoneutral environment should be encouraged for preventing hypernatremic dehydration.  

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Article: Download PDF   DOI : 10.36106/ijar  

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Sudhakar Chiluka, Srinivas Madoori, Anirudh reddy, Ranjith kumar, Hypernatremic dehydration in term neonates in neonatal period, INDIAN JOURNAL OF APPLIED RESEARCH : Volume-7 | Issue-11 | November-2017

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