Volume : XIII, Issue : II, February - 2023

Hybrid External Fixation For Proximal Tibial Fractures

Dr. Divanshu Goel, Dr. Manjeet Singh, Dr. Jashandeep Singh Chahal, Dr. Umang R Joshi, Dr. Rahul Garg, Dr. Suraj Sood, Dr. Ishan Mittal

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Article: Download PDF    DOI : 10.36106/ijar/1505336  

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HYBRID EXTERNAL FIXATION FOR PROXIMAL TIBIAL FRACTURES, Dr. Divanshu Goel, Dr. Manjeet Singh, Dr. Jashandeep Singh Chahal, Dr. Umang R Joshi, Dr. Rahul Garg, Dr. Suraj Sood, Dr. Ishan Mittal INDIAN JOURNAL OF APPLIED RESEARCH : Volume-13 | Issue-2 | February-2023

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