Volume : IV, Issue : XI, November - 2014

Hybrid All–Terrain Defence Vehicle

Maruthi B H, Kishen Padiyar, Naveen Kumar P H, Prasanna Kumar M, K Santhosh Kumar

Abstract :

This paper deals with the designing and manufacturing of a vehicle, which can climb stair or move on a rough terrain. For spying and rescue operations as well as for military applications, it is helpful sensors and cameras are used in dangerous or inaccessible areas to get better situation awareness for the rescue personnel, before they enter a possibly hostile environment. The technical issues in designing of this vehicle are the stability and speed of the vehicle while climbing stairs. They should be quick and agile and, at the same time, be able to deal with rough terrain and even to climb stairs or move over obstacles. This paper presents the design and implementation of a remotely controlled mechanical system for a stair climbing robot. The basic robot parameters (track configuration, track angle of movement, mass center variation) were determined using trial and error methods, based on basic principles of physics and we propose a different approach which controls the adaptation of the robot to the ground during the climbing and descending

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Maruthi B H,Kishen Padiyar,Naveen Kumar P H,Prasanna Kumar M,K Santhosh Kumar Hybrid All-Terrain Defence Vehicle Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.4, Issue : 11 November 2014

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