Volume : VIII, Issue : IV, April - 2018

HUMAN RESOURCES-Government Sector Vs Private Sector

Geetu, Shailender Kumar

Abstract :

Human resources, the most important assets of an organization, needs to be managed properly as all other assets are useless without human mind and efforts. Development of human resources will lead to better standard of living, increased literacy rate, more innovations and hence will eventually lead  to the growth in the economy and the development of the nation. Generating more employment opportunities will reduce the crime rate too. India has less women labour force which needs to be increased by creating awareness among people about the rights and freedom of women. The paper explains the concept of human resource management and International human resource management and challenges faced by them. It highlights the human resources in Indian, Japanese and European context, and differentiates between Government sector and Public sector in India in terms of Human Resource Management and job opportunities.

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GEETU, SHAILENDER KUMAR, HUMAN RESOURCES-Government Sector Vs Private Sector, INDIAN JOURNAL OF APPLIED RESEARCH : Volume-8 | Issue-4 | April-2018

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