Volume : III, Issue : VII, July - 2013

Human footprint Segmentation using Multilayer Perception

Manickaraj. C, Senthil Murugan. M

Abstract :

In this paper, an application of digital image processing and new approach for solving the problem of segmenting the foot print in the color images to be discussed, this can be useful in healthcare domain to predict some major disease for human being. The application is an image processing system, which works on the basis of medical footprint. The image of human foot is input to the system. It is shown that multiplayer perceptron trained with Bayesian regularization back propagation allows to adequately classify the pixels on the color image of the footprint and in this way, to segment the footprint without fingers.

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Manickaraj.C, Senthil Murugan.M Human footprint Segmentation using Multilayer Perception Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.III, Issue.VII July 2013

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