Volume : II, Issue : II, November - 2012

Human Development: Millennium Development Goals of Marginalized Communities.

Dr. G. S. Kamble

Abstract :

Marginalized peoples are maximum excluding the millennium development goal. In every goal their development status is very low. Marginalized peoples have not bene&å;ted and equality from development efforts. Government has attended various ýagship development programs but this programs are not implemented best level. Human development and millennium development goals are attach the human‘s quality of life. Marginalized peoples have important development goal otherwise life is going in to &å;ght for every life sources. Sustained in development is important otherwise in future their every generation will be facing the problems. In the globalization marginalized peoples participation is important and they are participate, when they are maximum development their quality of life factors. Thus marginalized peoples have needed to support for their development. They have need track of development.

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Dr.G.S.Kamble Human Development: Millennium Development Goals of Marginalized Communities Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.2, Issue : 11 November 2012

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