Volume : V, Issue : I, January - 2015


Ms. Nagamma Shivaji, Dr. M. J. Basavaraj

Abstract :

The raison d’être of Human Resource Development (HRD) is to create context for technological and managerial excellence in any industry, more so in the globally competitive aerospace industry. An organisation’s success is determined as much by the skill and motivation of its members as by almost any other factor. The overall objective of the HRD plan is to build a viant performance and learning culture that meets the challenges of customer, quality, cost, delivery, and excellence. The HRD climate of an organisation, created using appropriate HRD systems and leadership styles of top management, plays a significant role in ensuring the competency, motivation, and development of its employees. For the current study, focusing on the dimensions of HRD culture–climate, a total of 200 employees were selected from HAL–Bangalore. The study reveals: some dimensions of HRD culture–climate show values lower than the norms specified and there is variation in the organisational dimensions.

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MS. NAGAMMA SHIVAJI, Dr. M.J. BASAVARAJ Hrd Culture And Climate At Hindustan Aeronautics Limited, Bangalore Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.5, Issue : 1 January 2015

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