Volume : VI, Issue : V, May - 2016

HIV– related knowledge and risk perception among Health Care Personnel in selected Primary Health Care Centres in Lucknow

Dr. Mukesh Shukla, Dr. Neeraj Kumar Gupta

Abstract :

 Background: The HIV/AIDS pandemic has become one of the most important problems of public health importance. Although its mode of transmission is known, but with increasing prevalence of HIV infection, healthcare workers are substantially at more risk of clinical exposure to infected patient. Objective: The present study aimed to assess HIV– related knowledge and risk perception among the health care personnel in selected Primary Health Care Centres in Lucknow. Materials and methods: This was a Cross–Sectional study conducted using pretested, semi structured questionnaire among 73 health care personnel comprising of staff nurses, laboratory technicians, pharmacists and class IV workers working at the Primary Health Centres. Result: Almost all staff nurses (90.0%), half of the paramedical staff (59.3%) and only 10% of the class IV workers were aware about mode of transmission of HIV via. needle stick injury. Less than half of all healthcare workers had knowledge about vertical transmission of HIV. Almost all the staff nurses and about 87.5% of paramedical staff believed that health care worker to be at high risk of HIV while cå the patients. More than 80% of all healthcare workers believed that all surgical andobstetrical patients should be screened for HIV. Conclusion: The study revealed quite sub–optimal knowledge in concern to several aspects of HIV among primary healthcare personnel. Therefore insights a need to increase the knowledge level through orientation programmes for health care personnel.

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DR.MUKESH SHUKLA, DR.NEERAJ KUMAR GUPTA HIV� related knowledge and risk perception among Health Care Personnel in selected Primary Health Care Centres in Lucknow Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.6, Issue : 5 MAY 2016

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