Volume : VII, Issue : VII, July - 2017

Hitherto Ignored Plant Species For Sustainable Use And Development In India: A Review

S. K. Tayade, D. A. Patil

Abstract :

 There is a growing interest worldwide for tapping the fullest potentiality of biodiversity. India is also a runner in this marathon and hence surveys are going on to find out traditional uses. The present paper focused some potential plant species growing in India but traditionally utilized in other countries or underutilized in India. This is one area of research lagging behind, although it has made headway by Indian researchers. The critical study and analysis of data available from India and other countries yielded some useful information new to India. This will help widen resource base for welfare of Indian societies.

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Article: Download PDF   DOI : 10.36106/ijar  

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S. K. TAYADE, D. A. PATIL, Hitherto Ignored Plant Species For Sustainable Use And Development In India: A Review, INDIAN JOURNAL OF APPLIED RESEARCH : Volume‾7 | Issue‾7 | July‾2017

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