Volume : IV, Issue : V, May - 2014

Historical Evolution of Prison System in India

Dr. L. P Raju

Abstract :

During Vedic period administration of Justice was not a part of the state duties. Offences like murder, theft and adultery are mentioned, but there is nothing to indicate that the king or an authorized officer as a judge, either in civil or criminal cases, passed any judicial judgment. Usually the aggrieved party had itself to take such steps which could redress him. Distrait of the defendant or the accused by the plaintiff, his sitting before the latter’s house and not allowing him to move out till his claim was satisfied or wrong righted was a well–established practice in Vedic India. Even in the ‘Sutras’ and Shastras’ we rarely come across words ‘prison’ or ‘jail’.This paper inspects the prison system in India.

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DR.L.P RAJU Historical Evolution of Prison System in India Indian Journal of Applied Research, Volume.4, Issue.5, May-2014

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