Volume : V, Issue : II, February - 2015


Mr. Chandan D. N. , Dr. Harish D. N. ,

Abstract :

The Gandhian ideology of be the change you want to see in the world quite succinctly states the sum and substance of the current research paper. Every nation aspires to be dignifiedly self–reliant while being progressive and technologically advanced. The source of all this augmentation stems from the classical tripods of an economy i.e., primary, secondary, and tertiary. While agriculture played a definitive role in the advancement of a country until the turn of eighteenth century, the invention of engine – and the resultant industrial revolution – changed the course of economic history. Thereafter, the ICT revolution led and is leading the world forward. Human Resource (HR) is the most important of all the organisational inputs which needs to be systematically and periodically intervened to drive home the learning. The present study focuses exclusively on the perspectives and perceptions of change and its management seen from the dimension of an organisation’s HR.

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MR. CHANDAN D. N., DR. HARISH D. N., HISTORIC EVOLUTION OF CHANGE MANAGEMENT Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.5, Issue : 2 February 2015

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