Volume : VII, Issue : I, January - 2017

Histoplasmosis of skin in a Patient with Advanced HIV Disease A Case Report

Dr Ravi Vadrevu, Dr G. Sirisha, Dr. Chandrika J, Dr Y. Pydipathirao

Abstract :

  Histoplasmosis, also called as Darling’s disease, is caused by the dimorphic fungus, Histoplasma capsulatum. The pulmonary and disseminated forms of histoplasmosis are very common in AIDS patients and cause great morbidity and mortality. In India, several cases of histoplasmosis have been reported since 1954, but very few cases have diagnostic confirmation by fungal culture.  We report a case of Biopsy and Culture confirmed cutaneous histoplasmosis in an AIDS patient with very low CD4.

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Article: Download PDF   DOI : 10.36106/ijar  

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Dr Ravi Vadrevu, Dr G.Sirisha, Dr.Chandrika J, Dr Y. Pydipathirao, Histoplasmosis of skin in a Patient with Advanced HIV Disease A Case Report, Indian Journal of Applied Research,Volume : 7 | Issue : 1 | JANUARY 2017

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