Volume : X, Issue : II, February - 2020


Dr. Suwarna B Patil, Dr. Ajay D Jungare, Dr. Pradeep S Umap, Dr. Rudra Pradeep

Abstract :

INTRODUCTION: The ovary is a complex female genital organ in its emyology, histology and steroid–genesis and has a very high potential to develop malignancy at all ages. Ovarian cancers account for 3% of all female cancers .Ovary is the third most common site of primary malignancy of female genital tract preceded by cervix and endometrium. AIMS: 1) To study the age incidence of different benign, borderline and malignant tumors. 2) To study the frequency of unilateral and bilateral tumors. 3) To study the frequency of positive peritoneal and omental secondaries in malignant conditions. METHODS: Retrospective histopathological study of 200 cases of ovarian tumors was done over three years from January 2017 to December 2019 at a tertiary health care centre. Ovarian tumors were classified according to WHO classification. RESULTS: Total 200 cases of ovarian tumors were studied with age incidence, youngest age was 2 years (Yolk Sac Tumor) and oldest was 80 years (Krukenbergs). Maximum cases were found in 4th decade (42%).Benign tumors were highest (66%), borderline (5%), malignant (27%). Surface epithelial tumors were commonest followed by germ cell tumors. CONCLUSION: Ovarian tumors have a varied clinical presentation with respect to age, nature of origin and geographical distribution. High index of suspicion and early diagnosis with histological confirmation can significantly reduce morbidity and mortality

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HISTOPATHOLOGICAL STUDY OF OVARIAN TUMORS AT A TERTIARY HEALTH CARE CENTER, Dr. Suwarna B Patil, Dr. Ajay D Jungare, Dr. Pradeep S Umap, Dr. Rudra Pradeep INDIAN JOURNAL OF APPLIED RESEARCH : Volume-10 | Issue-2 | February-2020

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