Volume : IV, Issue : XI, November - 2014

Histomorphochemical Observations on the Duct System of Minor Salivary Glands of Sheep (Ovis Aries)

A. D. Singh, R. K. Jain, Pawan Kumar, Kritima Kapoor

Abstract :

The tissues from the buccal and labial salivary glands of 25 healthy adult sheep of local mixed eed of either sex were collected and processed for paraffin and frozen sectioning techniques. Small intralobular ducts were lined by simple cuboidal type of epithelium whereas, large intralobular ducts were lined by simple cuboidal to simple columnar type of epithelium. Interacinar ducts were lined by simple to stratified cuboidal epithelium. In case of intralobular ducts, labial salivary glands have more ductal diameter as compared to buccal salivary glands whereas, luminal diameter was comparatively less in labial salivary glands. The ductal and luminal diameters of interlobular ducts of buccal salivary glands were more than labial salivary glands. All the epithelial cells of the ducts were negative to mucosubstances, glycogen, mucopolysaccharides, mucin and lipids studied during the present investigation except the goblet cells which contained acidic and neutral mucopolysaccharides and mucin

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A.D. Singh,R. K. Jain,Pawan Kumar,Kritima Kapoor Histomorphochemical Observations on the Duct System of Minor Salivary Glands of Sheep (Ovis Aries) Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.4, Issue : 11 November 2014

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