Volume : V, Issue : IX, September - 2015

Higher Education in Rural India: Issues and Problems

Dr. Neena Aneja

Abstract :

As mentioned earlier, in the 1940’s and 1950’s very few students and graduates from rural areas characterized education in India. Today, however there has been a dramatic shift from class to mass, with students of higher education drawn from rural areas. As there is awareness about compulsory and free education, more and more children complete their primary and secondary education .Many of them wish to attain a degree. Rural areas in India started a cope up to growing demand of youth by opening new colleges at their doorstep. Hoe ever, this kind of rapid expansion has caused negatively towards the quality of higher education in rural areas. Because , most of these higher educational institutions have not so far prepared to face challenges of changed structure of world economy .It’s important to note that we are living in a period where market forces determines the fate of the country. We are moving from manufacturing –centred to knowledge–centred society. From river valleys to silicon valleys .Information technology revolution made easy access to the information of the world around the clock. Those who have skills to use it have access to extraordinarily valuable resources. Therefore to participate in the knowledge economy, requires a new set of human skills .People should have higher qualifications and intellectual capacity. But whether the education system of rural areas in India is equipped and fully prepared to face the new realities? Unless youth develops expertise, they fall behind and may be marginalized and isolated. The colleges in rural areas need to restructure their academic forces in tune with the wind of change. Otherwise the product (students) they produce may become rotten in job market.

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Dr. Neena Aneja Higher Education in Rural India: Issues and Problems Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.5, Issue : 9 September 2015

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