Volume : IV, Issue : IX, September - 2014

Higher Education In Assam : A Situational Analysis

Mrs. Noni Rajkhowa

Abstract :

Education is a powerful instrument for the development of personality and wisdom of people. It is also considered as a vital element of modernization of Society. India’s higher education system is the one of the largest education systems in world. But now it is realized that merely increasing the number of higher educational institutions and their respective enrolment will not fulfill the national goals without prior attention to quality and it access to all who desire it. Assam boasts the wide spread network of higher educational institutions in the entire North Eastern region of India. The highest enrolment of students as per MHRD annual report is also in Assam in this region. But still the GER in higher education in Assam is below the national average. This paper highlights the present scenario of higher education in Assam with its challenges and prospective aspects.

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Mrs. Noni Rajkhowa Higher Education in Assam : A Situational Analysis Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.4, Issue.9 September 2014

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