Volume : III, Issue : VII, July - 2013

High–Efficiency Auto–Tracking Solar Combined Heat and Power Generation System

Prof. V. V. Deotare, Dr. D. V. Padole , Mr. S. K. Sawant

Abstract :

Importance of Solar power generation means to solve environmental pollution and energy shortage. There is need of time to improve the efficiency of power and heat generation with help of high–efficiency solar concentric power and heat generation system at present, we start first improving the precision tracking of solar tracker for heat and power generation system then improving overall light focusing efficiency, for that a new solar two dimensional autotracking control method and concentrating parabolic mirror suitable for both power and heat generation which utilizes real–time control strategies. This Proposed system having many application, This developed solar tracking system follows sun for catching maximum sun ray having main objective is 1. Tracker must trap maximum sun rays 2.Tracker should have Real–time control strategies

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Article: Download PDF   DOI : 10.36106/ijar  

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Prof. V. V. Deotare, Dr. D. V. Padole , Mr. S. K. Sawant High-Efficiency Auto-Tracking Solar Combined Heat and Power Generation System Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.III, Issue.VII July 2013

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