Volume : VII, Issue : VIII, August - 2017

High resolution sonography in the evaluation of anterior abdominal wall lesions

Dr. O. Sridhar Babu, Dr. N. S. Vidya

Abstract :

 Abdominal  wall  lesions  often  mimic  intra–abdominal  conditions  and frequently present as palpable masses. Early detection of these pathology with use of high resolution USG and other  cross  sectional  imaging  has  evolutionized   the  treatment  options  for  the surgeons. So the aim of the study to determine role of  high resolution sonography in the evaluation of anterior abdominal wall lesions.  Methodology: The present study is a study of 50 cases of anterior abdominal wall lesions were  evaluated  using  high  resolution  Ultrasonography  with high  frequency linear array probe. (7–12 MHZ) and  diagnostic  accuracy  were determined. Results:  Among 50 clinical suspected Anterior Abdominal wall lesions most common indication for high resolution sonography was incisional hernia, followed by anterior abdominal wall lump which is relatively a non–specific clinical diagnosis, which later turned  out be different  lesions  on high resolution  sonography  as well  as histopathology. We found lipomas in 4 cases out of 50cases (8%) correlated with histopathological finding.Conclusion : In our study design diagnostic accuracy of sonography was 97.6% in evaluation of hernias, lipomas, desmoid, dermoid, hematoma and resolving abscess. We felt multidisciplinary  approach  involving  physicians  / surgeons,  radiologists and pathologists for betterment of the patients to diagnose anterior abdominal wall lesions accurately and for further surgical management. 

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Dr.O.Sridhar Babu, Dr.N.S.Vidya, High resolution sonography in the evaluation of anterior abdominal wall lesions, INDIAN JOURNAL OF APPLIED RESEARCH : Volume‾7 | Issue‾8 | August‾2017

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