Volume : V, Issue : III, March - 2015


Dr. Madhuri Sawai

Abstract :

Periodontal diseases affect majority of adults worldwide. Conventional periodontal therapy is directed towards stabilization of disease followed by long term maintenance. However, clinical relapse is commonly seen and there is limited efficacy in resolving late–stage disease. These would amount to substantial expenses. A definite understanding of the etiology and pathogenesis of periodontal disease is critical for developing therapeutic strategies which are more effective and ensure long term disease control. Plaque bacteria along with host response have been implicated as the etiology for periodontal disease. However, they are not always able to justify the clinical condition. Some other etiologic agents might play a role in severe periodontal diseases. Research in the past two decades has implied the role of herpes viruses in the etiopathogenesis of destructive periodontal disease. Increased numbers of CMV and EBV have been reported in aggressive and chronic periodontitis. The probability that viruses would be innocuous bystanders in destructive periodontitis seems unlikely. They may be an active participant in the disease initiation and progression. This short review discusses the role of viruses in destructive periodontal disease and steers the areas of investigation towards cost effective preventive therapies for periodontitis which will benefit large population.

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Dr. Madhuri Sawai HERPES VIRUSES AND PERIODONTAL DISEASE- A SHORT REVIEW Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.5, Issue : 3 March 2015

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