Volume : IV, Issue : XI, November - 2014

Herbal Cosmetics Buying Behaviour Among Women in Coimbatore City

Ms. D. Gomathi, Dr. S. Vasanthi

Abstract :

In India herbs are used as medicines , Indian tradition has taught its people how to use herbals in cosmetic for several reasons like: natural origin, low price and user friendliness/eco –friendliness. Cosmeceutical industry has responded to the consumers’ expectations with diversity of products. India is witnessing rapidly changing aspirations and lifestyles, which have result in increase in demand for cosmetics and toiletries. This research article aims to analyse buying behaviour of herbal cosmetics among women consumers residing in Coimbatore city, Tamilnadu. The sample of 75 respondents selected were based on convenience sampling. The study revealed that majority of women uses herbal cosmetics to improve their personality, health, family status and influenced by society. Thus, it is suggested that understanding behaviour of consumers is a key to the success of business organizations. Cosmetic manufactures should constantly analyze the patterns of buying behaviour and purchase decisions to predict the future trends.

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Ms. D. Gomathi, Dr. S. Vasanthi Herbal Cosmetics Buying Behaviour Among Women in Coimbatore City Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.4, Issue : 11 November 2014

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