Volume : III, Issue : VI, June - 2013

Henry David Thoreau‘s treatment of Nature in Walden

Dr. T. Eswar Rao

Abstract :

Thoreau is one the greatest Nature–lovers in American literature. At Walden Pond he lived in the closest possible proximity to Nature, and established a Wodrsworthian intimacy with all Nature’s aspects, features and moods. It would not be wrong to say that he is the Wordsworth of American literature, even though he wrote in prose and even though there is a basic difference he wrote in prose and even though there is a basic difference between Wordsworth’s treatment of Nature and Thoreau’s. Like Wordsworth’s, Thoreau’s love for Nature was profound and genuine. The relationship which Thoreau established between himself and Nature and which he wanted to be established between Nature and other human beings is one of the cardinal facts of Walden. Like Wordsworth, Thoreau treats Nature with imagination and feeling.

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Dr. T. Eswar Rao Henry David Thoreau‘s treatment of Nature in Walden Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.III, Issue.VI June 2013

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