Volume : VII, Issue : III, March - 2017


Dr Gaurav Bhutada, Dr Kaushika Rautray, Dr Sourya Acharya, Dr Samarth Shukla

Abstract :

 AIM: To study the distribution and pattern of anemia and other hematological abnormalities in cases of cirrhosis of liver. METHODS: This cross sectional study was conducted in Acharaya Vinobha Bhave Rural Health, Wardha. A total of 30 cirrhotic patients were studied in 6 months. Thirty patients with cirrhosis of liver were included in this study. Meticulous clinical examination was done. Relevant hematological investigations were carried out and patients were treated according. RESULTS: The study includes 30 cases of cirrhotic patients. In this study 73.3% constituted male patients 26.67% constituted female patients. As per sex wise distribution, cirrhotic cases was highest in males i.e. 22 cases (73.3%), as compare to females,8 cases (26.6%). The most common age group was 31–40years. The most common clinical manifestation presented was ascites i.e 29 cases out of 30(96.67%) and melena being the least common i.e only 2 cases out of 30 cases (6.67%).83.33%  of the patients were found to be have anemia (Hb less than 11gm%), out of which 40% ad Hb less than 7gm%.Out of a total of 30 patients , 8 (26.66%)had normal MCV, 11 (36.66%)  had macrocytosis and 11(36.66%) had microcytosis. 10 (33.33%) had leucopenia, which can be due to hypersplenism.% had thrombocytopenia CONCLUSION: anemia is the most common hematological abnormality in cirrhosis. The etiology is multifactorial. So it is imperative to correct the etiological factor for anemia and other hematological abnormalities

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Dr Gaurav Bhutada, Dr Kaushika Rautray, Dr Sourya Acharya, Dr Samarth Shukla, HEMATOLOGICAL ABNORMALITIES IN CIRRHOSIS OF LIVER, INDIAN JOURNAL OF APPLIED RESEARCH : Volume‾7 | Issue‾3 | March‾2017

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