Volume : IV, Issue : V, May - 2014

Helicobacter. Pylori Infection in Gastro Duodenal Disease Cases. Tertiary Care Centre Study With Invasive & Noninvasive Tests

Dr . Kalpana Suryavanshi, M. R. Pride

Abstract :

Presence of Helicobacter pylori in cases of acid peptic disease (APD) changes treatment options. The assessment of burden of H.pylori is challenging as it requires invasive test like endoscopy. We conducted a study at tertiary care hospital in Mumbai, among 92 patients suspected of having gastro duodenal disease. Premier Platinum HpSA test (Meridian Diagnostic Cincinnati,OH,U.S.A) was used as noninvasive test. The test is a polyclonal antibody based enzyme immunoassay for stool samples, to detect the H.pylori antigen along with histopathology & Gram stain, Rapid urease test. We found substantial occurrence of H.pylori infection in investigated cases, out of 92, 65 cases were being infected with H.pylori. As this was the first study in Mumbai tertiary care hospital using Noninvasive assay for stool antigen detection of H.pylori, we couldn’t compare with any local studies using same noninvasive techniques, but it reinforces the need of noninvasive techniques in routine screening of APD cases. 

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Dr . Kalpana Suryavanshi, M.R.Pride Helicobacter. Pylori Infection in Gastro Duodenal Disease Cases. Tertiary Care Centre Study With Invasive & Noninvasive Tests Indian Journal of Applied Research, Volume.4, Issue.5, May-2014

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