Volume : IV, Issue : X, October - 2014

Health Risks Associated With Workers In Pesticide Factories

Rakesh Chib, Dr. Vikas Sharma

Abstract :

The aim of this study was to investigate the health risks faced by the man power working in the pesticides factories at Jammu, India. Surveillance data show that pesticide–related illness is an important cause of diseases among the workers. Exposures occur in various ways (e.g., residues, drift, chemicals, etc.) suggesting that the use of pesticides creates a hazardous work environment for all the workers. In order to study the health hazards of pesticides on workers, two pesticide factories were included in the present study namely B.r.Agrotech Ltd and Bharat Insecticides Ltd, Sidco Industrial Area, Kathua, India. Total of 100 workers were included. Among them 50 were from B.r.Agrotech Ltd. and 50 from Bharat Insectides factory. The workers were administered with the standard format questionnaire which was followed by personal interviews. The results indicate a visible impact on health of workers and during summers the health related problems increases. Majority of respondents were suffering from skin allergies (96%), allergic reactions (84%) including pain in chest, sneezing, shortness of eath, cough, stroke, irregular heartbeat, High B.P, eye irritation, anxiety and fatigue. Wheezing was also seen among the workers (92%). The workers responded very well to the interview and replied that they were mostly suffering from skin, respiratory and eye irritations. They were not given any safety devices during work. The workers generally received treatment by the health care centre of the factories. During summers the health related problems usually increases. The chi square analysis did not show any significant difference among the workers of both the factories.

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Rakesh Chib,Dr. Vikas Sharma Health Risks Associated With Workers In Pesticide Factories Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.4, Issue : 10 October 2014

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