Volume : VII, Issue : IX, September - 2017
Dr Ashwin Apte, Dr Chirag Shanti Dausage
Abstract :
Strangulation of digits, the ‘toe–tourniquet’ syndrome needs prompt intervention as failure to recognize it can lead to ischemia. It is common condition though relatively under reported.[1] Those who deal with children more frequently are aware of the condition, the diagnostic dilemma for accidental injury or child abuse arises.
This syndrome has been described as involving the fingers, the toes and even the genitals. We reporting two cases of hair tourniquet syndrome affecting toe of an infant. After the hair fiber was removed there was a fast healing period and no signs of tissue necrosis were seen. The prompt diagnosis and treatment of the condition is vital to attain a good outcome and prevent further harm to the child.
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DOI : 10.36106/ijar
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Dr Ashwin Apte, Dr Chirag Shanti Dausage, HAIR TOURNIQUET SYNDROME, INDIAN JOURNAL OF APPLIED RESEARCH : Volume-7 | Issue-9 | September-2017
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Dr Ashwin Apte, Dr Chirag Shanti Dausage, HAIR TOURNIQUET SYNDROME, INDIAN JOURNAL OF APPLIED RESEARCH : Volume-7 | Issue-9 | September-2017
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