Volume : V, Issue : VI, June - 2015

H Y D R O G E N: A Backup Fuel For The Next Generation . . .

Dr. Dheeraj Mandloi

Abstract :

 In the present scenario the demands of petroleum products as fuels, are increasing exponentially. Statistics says that the current oil production in the world is about 25 billion barrels of oil per year, the figure that not only shocks but also makes us realize the immense pollution and carbon footprint that are created over the decades. Our huge dependency on the hydrocarbon based gasoline, has not only left us with the fear of hazardous impacts but their predicted decrease would further escalate the petroleum prices and has forced us to look for some alternatives. Out of various alternatives hydrogen has been claimed to be a good one to replace fossil fuel. This paper presents an overview about the successes that have been achieved in the recent researches that are making hydrogen an efficient alternate or infact a future fuel for the vehicles. Its most peculiar characteristic is that it is the cleanest fuel of all alternatives. While deriving energy, hydrogen gets oxidized and only produces water molecules which are free from any kind of emissions. As far as the availability is concerned, SunHydro is the world's first chain of privately funded fueling stations that provide hydrogen to fuel cell cars. Discovery of air stable Mg nano composites at Berkely Lab, concept of using hydrogen–methane mixture as a fuel, discovery of CS bacterium and many others are some of the fantastic researches going on in the world of hydrogen economy. As a result of success, many automobile manufacturers like Hyundai , Honda ,Mercedes–Benz and BMW have already demonstrated different models in the market and a lot more are still under research.

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Dr. Dheeraj Mandloi H Y D R O G E N: A Backup Fuel for the Next Generation . . . Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.5, Issue : 6 June 2015

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