Volume : III, Issue : I, January - 2013

Guidance and Supervision in Village Schools: A Social Work Perspective.

Pushpa Mishara, N. N. Raj

Abstract :

Children’s are like to be a “globe” how you give shape it for their future life, accordingly she/he will behave like. This article describes a piece of Guidance and supervision in Village School: A social work perspectives. How school social worker plying a major role in the education systems. It aims to provide a map of where we are in terms of providing supervision within our profession. The article focus such problems that there is a mushrooming of private schools with high rate of school fees so that the poor children’s are not getting such a quality of education in a Village school. Private schools are providing quality of education then Govt. School & a general student are not getting better opportunities and still imbalance in education systems. Why the students are going to private schools not in Govt. School? How a school social worker can help for quality of education?

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Pushpa Mishara, N. N. Raj Guidance and Supervision in Village Schools: A Social Work Perspective. Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.III, Issue.I January 2013

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