Volume : VII, Issue : XI, November - 2017

Growth of Production in the Manufacturing Industries of Punjab

Dr. Sangeeta Nagaich, Rajdeep Kaur

Abstract :

 In Punjab, the shrinking of agricultural sector generates the problem of declining production and GDP. Here, the manufacturing sector has dualistic pattern involving organised and unorganised sector. Due to more importance of the organized manufacturing sector, it is imperative to investigate its production growth. The present study analyzes the changes in the production in the manufacturing sector of Punjab during 1980–81 to 2013–14 based on the secondary data taken from various issues of Statistical Abstract of Punjab. The production level has shown many sharp ups and downs during the entire time period. The production level of all the industries has declined and the major decline has been shown by transport equipment and parts industry and the least has been visible in the Rubber, Plastic, Petroleum and Coal Products Industry. As Punjab is an agriculturally developed state, the need here is to enhance the agro–based industries which can in turn assist in developing the manufacturing sector here.

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Dr. Sangeeta Nagaich, Rajdeep Kaur, Growth of Production in the Manufacturing Industries of Punjab, INDIAN JOURNAL OF APPLIED RESEARCH : Volume-7 | Issue-11 | November-2017

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