Volume : V, Issue : X, October - 2015


Shiddalingaswami V Hanagodimath, Manjunath D Mattimani

Abstract :

 ndian economy has grown significantly over the period of time. This growth is very high in recent years due to speedy growth in service sector. Bihar, Assam, Madhya Pradesh and Orissa are in the bottom position among the 15 major states. On the other hand, Haryana, Maharashtra, Gujarat and Tamil Nadu are observed in the top position. Even though, states like Tamil Nadu, Kerala and Punjab have lower per capita income than Gujarat Maharashtra and Haryana, but their poverty level is found to be lower. It means, in Haryana, Maharashtra and Gujarat, income has not been distributed properly among the people. It strengths the argument the growth will not automatically trickledown to the poor, marginalized and vulnerable section of the society. Government’s intervention is very much necessary for higher, sustainable and inclusive growth of the nation.

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SHIDDALINGASWAMI V HANAGODIMATH, MANJUNATH D MATTIMANI Growth and Imbalances in Indian Economy Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.5, Issue : 10 October 2015

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