Volume : VII, Issue : V, May - 2017

Growth and development of Internet News Paper (e–Paper) in 21st century

Nithish P

Abstract :

 In the present era E–Paper has created much more impact on the youths and age old citizens of India. However, we have to thank to Charles Babage for inventing computer , it has made our life very easy and feasible for communication through social sites and blogs. Neverththeless , internet has commanding various sectors through its ample of options which is available on sites.  internet has played pivotal role in captivating various readers and views in its clust by providing colorful readable news issues of across world wide , like political, business, natural furies, disasters and crime and terrorism. Finally, it also engrossed the content of radio which is more listened by people of this nation.

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Nithish P, Growth and development of Internet News Paper (e–Paper) in 21st century, INDIAN JOURNAL OF APPLIED RESEARCH : Volume‾7 | Issue‾5 | May‾2017

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