Volume : VI, Issue : VI, June - 2016


Shweta Rana

Abstract :

 Competitive Technological Intelligence is becoming crucial for most of the business organization of today’s fast paced technological innovations world. It is one of the most important Intellectual properties for business organization to have an edge in competition. This edge of technical intelligence can be anywhere ranging from products to services, customer acquisition to relationship management, marketing to anding, procurement to selling, product design to R&D and many others. In developing countries like India we have witnessed rapid growth in technology in recent times. Only in few years e–technologies have become integral part of every business which is very apparent in mushrooming e–selling (Online selling), e–learning, e–education and other e–servicing start up companies which are driving Indian industry at front seat. But it is becoming a challenge to compete in market with similar concepts/business models which starts with comparatively very less capital hence there is severe competitions in market/industry. So every company/organization wants to gain that competitive technology advancement which can differentiate them with an edge in growing competition. Also, technology changes in no time so organization/company has to be very proactive to cope with change. My idea is to understand, how established organization and start–up organizations of academic institutions/e–selling companies are managing their Competitive Technical Intelligence? What is the importance of Technical Intelligence among other key resources to start/run a company? How to monitor Technical Environment, identify Technological Developments, assess the potential of new Technologies, and analyze their effect upon the Business, Customer and competitors?

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SHWETA RANA GROWING WITH CTI�KEY TO BUSINESS SUCCESS Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.6, Issue : 6 JUNE 2016

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