Volume : VI, Issue : II, February - 2016


M. Mohammed Rafi, S. Venkateswaran

Abstract :

<p>Present research work to understand the groundwater quality mapping through GIS technology. So, in this connection the field work was executed at Suruli watershed is located at Dheni District. The 55 groundwater samples were collected from open wells in the various locations in study area. The samples were analyzed for major Cations and Anions.The results were evaluated in detailed and compared with WHO water quality standards for drinking purposes. An overall assessment of the water samples indicated that all parameters are within the permissible limit except in some same locations.Piper trilinear diagram interpretations were made to know the chemical type of the groundwater. It reveals that the subsurface water is alkaline earth (Ca+Mg) exceeds alkalies (Na+K) type.The groundwater falls under good to permissible (Wilcox) zone. It shows that it is good for irrigation use as per the classifications of Wilcox diagram interpretation. The SAR values were plotted in the USSL Staff diagram and found most of the groundwater samples belongs to C3–S1 (41.82%) class indicating that the groundwater could be used for all types of crops on soils of medium to high permeability. However, the concentration of sodium was in significant amount showing 7.27% of sites under “Excellent to good” and the 41.82% sites under “Good to permissible” zones.</p>

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Rafic, S.Venkateswaran Groundwater Quality Assessment of Suruli Watershed,Vaigai River Basin Tamilnadu India Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.6, Issue : 2 February 2016

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