Volume : IV, Issue : III, March - 2014

Groundwater Fluctuation in Upper Bennihalla Basin, Karnataka

Davithuraj J, Manjunatha S

Abstract :

“Groundwater is an important source in the Upper Bennihalla basin, Karnataka which falls under semi–arid climatic condition.  Fourty one key wells were established for study of ground water fluctuation.  In Pre monsoon most of the area had water level within 9 m bgl and Post monsoon the major area of water level fall in the zone between 3 and 6 m bgl and overall water level fluctuation of study area ranges from 0.66 to 13.05m bgl.”

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Davithuraj J, Manjunatha S Groundwater Fluctuation in Upper Bennihalla Basin, Karnataka Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.IV, Issue. III

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