Volume : VI, Issue : I, January - 2016


Vani Pramod

Abstract :

Green Marketing has risen as a vital concept in India as well as in other developed and developing countries. It has evolved in india in late 1990‘s .There is a radical change in buyer preferences and their ways of life. The organizations are effectively attempting to build their effect on the enviroment. Because of this movement from traditional marketing to green marketing, organizations nowadays are confronting numerous new difficulties. Every business however have seen this adjustment in consumers states of mind and are attempting to pick up an edge in the focused business sector by exploring the potential in the green business industry. This paper explains the concept of green marketing, its need and significances and the different intiatives introduced by various organizations for promoting green marketing revolution.

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Vani Pramod Green Marketing-an Eco-Friendly Revolution Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.6, Issue : 1 January 2016

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