Volume : III, Issue : I, January - 2013

Graffiti in Relation to art & Advertising

Kashyap Parikh

Abstract :

T Graffiti as a street art form became prevalent in the well–ordered, scrubbed–clean public spaces in developed countries which expected its disciplined citizenry to toe the ‘establishment’ line of correct public behavior. In fact, to contain the activities of graffiti artists, many European cities usually had an old warehouse or a large public building that was ‘dedicated’ to graffiti artists. In spite of this, instances of stray graffiti is not unknown though; and quite natural too, considering the attitude graffiti comes from. As a rule, graffiti artists do not reveal their name. It fits in well with the desire for anonymity when one is ‘protesting’ a larger, more powerful, often omnipresent force.

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Kashyap Parikh Graffiti in Relation to art & Advertising Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.III, Issue.I January 2013

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