Volume : I, Issue : IX, June - 2012

Government’s Assistance Towards the Development of Small Scale Industries in India with Special Reference to Krishnagiri District

B. Mohandhas, Dr. G. Prabakaran

Abstract :

The prominence for small–scale sector emanates from two basic premises of economic development policies viz., the ‘balanced’ development and ‘sustainable’ growth of the economy which calls for certain minimum level of diversification of the economy. In an economy with a predominant primary sector and agriculture depending on the monsoon, such a diversification has to be in the direction of industrial sector in general and small–scale sector in particular. In order to promote small scale industries in the country, the government of India setup a number of financial and support institutions to provide required finance, project appraisal, infrastructure facilities, raw materials, machinery and equipments on hire–purchase scheme, reservation of items for production by small–scale industries, consultancy and training services, conducting entrepreneurship development programmes (EDPs), and industrial potential survey. Also the government of India has framed several industrial policy resolutions (IPR) from time to time such as IPR1948, IPR1956, IPR1977, IPR1980, IPR1990, new small enterprise policy 1991 and new policy initiatives in 1999–2000. Small scale industries encompass vast scope covering activities like manufacturing, servicing, retailing, financing, construction, infrastructure etc. In view of the government of India’s ever increasing importance given to the smallscale industries in the national economy, more and more small industries are to be setup in the years to come. Thus, these are to provide ample opportunities to the people to assume entrepreneurial career.

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B. Mohandhas, Dr. G. Prabakaran Government’s Assistance Towards the Development of Small Scale Industries in India with Special Reference to Krishnagiri District Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.I, Issue.IX June 2012

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