Volume : IV, Issue : VIII, August - 2014

Government Health Expenditure in India

Dr. Naresh Ramdas Madhavi

Abstract :

 India is the second most populous country of the world and has changing socio–economic patterns that have been drawing global attention in recent years. Despite several growth–oriented policies adopted by the government, the widening disparities are posing challenges for the health sector in the country. One of the more obvious indicators of the inadequacy of public health spending in India is the very small amount of such spending relative to GDP. In developed countries government health spending accounts for around 5 percent of GDP or more. Even in Asian countries excluding India, the average is around 3 percent of GDP. This makes it quite remarkable that India, which is currently seen internationally as an economic powerhouse and one of the success stories of global economic growth in the past decade, has government health expenditure amounting to less than 1 percent of GDP. Government health expenditure as a percent of GDP shows a decline in government health spending over the period of 1999–2000 to 2004–05. As a percentage of the gross domestic product (GDP), expenditure decreased from 1.12 percent in 1999–2000 to 0.97 percent in 2004–05. However, it is quite clear that government health spending since April 2005 has increased significantly. Its share in GDP too increased from 0.97 percent in 1999–2000 to 1.10 percent in 2008–09.

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Dr. Naresh Ramdas Madhavi Government Health Expenditure in India Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.4, Issue.8 August 2014

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