Volume : VIII, Issue : IX, September - 2018

Governance of Health Systems: Implications for Public Health Policy and Research

Prof. Manoj Kar

Abstract :

“Governance of health systems” is a relatively emerging concept in “Public Policy” and there are fundamental concerns in understanding what health system governance is and how it could be impacted for Public Health Policy and health outcomes. Present study highlights a systematic review of the literature to describe the concept of governance and related theories underpinning as applied to health systems; and to identify which frameworks are available and have been applied to impact health systems’ operations and good governance. Study of governance as understood is a complex process in impacting health systems and discussed analytically using multidimensional approaches of ‘Interdisciplinarity’. Health system governance is difficult to roll out; the concept of governance originates from different disciplines and therefore interdisciplinary in its approach, is multidimensional in its nature and scope. Present paper discusses about comprehensive understanding of public health governance which could enable public health policy makers to prioritize solutions for problems identified as well as replicate and scale–up examples of good practice and therefore hasten Sustainability.

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Prof. Manoj Kar, Governance of Health Systems: Implications for Public Health Policy and Research, INDIAN JOURNAL OF APPLIED RESEARCH : Volume-8 | Issue-9 | September-2018

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