Volume : VI, Issue : II, February - 2016


Basabi Deb

Abstract :

Governance means formal or informal arrangements that allow higher educational institution to make decisions. Management is the way to get good governance. India is growing on a high growth rate where there is urgent need of skilled manpower. In Assam, government has been quite alive to the requirement, improvement and expansion of education. But to have proper inclusive growth we need good governance because Expansion of tertiary education systems, Diversification of provision, More heterogeneous student bodies, no modes of delivery, internationalization and Research and innovation are leveraging knowledge production. Principles like participation, unanimous consensus, accountability, efficiency, rule of law etc are important principles of good governance. To make proper implementation, challenges like public funding, students’ aid, accountability issues, spiritual aspects etc. have to be addressed properly. Only then a dynamic higher education system can be expected in Assam.

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Basabi Deb Governance in Higher Education in the Context of Assam Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.6, Issue : 2 February 2016

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