Volume : VI, Issue : VIII, August - 2016

Globalizing the thoughts of Indian Supply Chain Management

Guruprasad. T. S, Sundara Natarajan. P, Dr. N. Panchanathan

Abstract :

 Supply Chain Management (SCM) assists any business organization to compete in the dynamic international market. The objective of SCM is to incorporate activities across and within organizations to provide value addition to customers. Supply chain has a big role to play and companies expect their supply chains to be a source of competitive advantage. Due to Globalisation and downward price pressure, supply chain mapping helps to identify “choke points” to enable smooth flow of goods, people and services, while ensuring that the Indian products are globally competitive by reducing the logistics cost, in–turn leading to reduced carbon foot print. These cost savings will also enable strategic investments in information technology because information technology tools and techniques play a very important role in the performance of SCM. This paper defines SCM and its evolution and analyses the trends of SCM & its future in India. The paper highlights the current issues and challenges of Supply Chain Management in India and will discuss on optimizing the delivery of goods, services and information from supplier to customer, thus ensuring an effective supply chain that makes companies more competitive, profitable and sustainable. The major challenge will be to build a supply chain with a vision of long–term growth, which is flexible and responsive to handle short–term demand variations in resonance with conceptualising Indian thoughts globally.

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Guruprasad.T.S, Sundara Natarajan. P, Dr. N.Panchanathan Globalizing the thoughts of Indian Supply Chain Management Indian Journal of Applied Research,Volume : 6 | Issue : 8 | August 2016

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