Volume : VII, Issue : III, March - 2017

Globalisation and its Implications in the Middle East

Homayoun Abbasabadi

Abstract :

 This study is an attempt to understand how the emerging process of global globalisation has affected the development of Middle East countries. One of the key reasons for choosing this very topic is on the basis of the fact that very less impact could be seen in the Middle East countries since the dawn of Globalisation. Participation in globalization would greatly contribute to stable security growth among Middle Eastern states. Globalization and its affect on security have profound importance both for the region’s stability and the global security. Middle Eastern countries should find a way to use globalization to their benefit. Most countries in the region have accepted the need for adoption of a new security system in globalization era. In spite of this, there is a real fear of globalization because of its negative connotations as a pro–Western phenomenon in Middle East.

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Homayoun Abbasabadi, Globalisation and its Implications in the Middle East, INDIAN JOURNAL OF APPLIED RESEARCH : Volume‾7 | Issue‾3 | March‾2017

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