Volume : III, Issue : VI, June - 2013

Global Recession and Its Impact on Exports and Remittances in Bangladesh

Bidduth Kanti Nath

Abstract :

World economic recession started from 2007 with the sub–prime mortgage crisis in the USA and it subsequently and quickly spread to other nations since the beginning of 2008. Bangladesh, being on integral part of the global economy could potentially be facing some adverse impacts of the crisis. Definitely this crisis has created some major set backs not only for the developed nations but also for the developing countries like Bangladesh. This paper attempts to identify the impact of global recession in key sectors, especially in exports and remittances on the Bangladesh economy and how the country could mitigate its possible adverse impacts. Finally this paper provides some recommendations for overcoming the problems of the recession.

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Bidduth Kanti Nath Global Recession and Its Impact on Exports and Remittances in Bangladesh Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.III, Issue.VI June 2013

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