Volume : IV, Issue : V, May - 2014

Giant Epidermal Cyst: A Case Report

Dr. Mahendra Bendre, Dr. Uday Tambe

Abstract :

Epidermal cyst is a common clinical entity developing due to blockadge of duct of a sebaceous gland. A giant epidermal cyst is rare and more liable to develop complications, including malignant transformation. An epidermal inclusion cyst develops due to implantation of epidermal cells in dermis, and may require additional investigations like MRI for its evaluation. Treatment of an epidermal cyst involves total excision of the cyst along with its wall to prevent its recurrence. We present here an unusual case of a giant epidermal cyst, 15 cm in greatest dimension, and review the literature regarding the same

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Dr. Mahendra Bendre, Dr. Uday Tambe Giant Epidermal Cyst: A Case Report Indian Journal of Applied Research, Volume.4, Issue.5, May-2014

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